Tuesday, 23 May 2017

407 Spurious Business Practices Continue Unchecked.

I'm not sure where to start with this ridiculous tactic. I'm considering making this into one hell of an election issue. Hey politicians! Hey unscrupulous, dishonest, opportunistic, nasty international conglomerate decency-depraved 407 owners:

407 International Inc. is owned by Cintra Infraestructuras Internacional S.L.(43.23%) (a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrovial S.A.), indirectly owned subsidiaries of Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (total 40%) and SNC-Lavalin (16.77%).
Here's the latest INDECENT PROPOSAL. DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS BULLSHIT. Unless you are going straight to the shareholders as I will do shortly. Decent Ontarians must unite over this criminal behaviour:


Saturday, 17 January 2015

Boycott the 407 ETR for Change!

In the coming months, this Website will feature stories, links and investigative reporting about the 108 km long 407 Express Toll Route in Ontario, Canada - It's story, its corruption. 


Above: What should happen to 407 executives and what they are doing to drivers
Through our investigations and requests for access to information, you will learn much about the highway, its history and the international cabal who controls much of it. You will gain access to judgments against these racketeers and be privy to ongoing tales of corruption, abuse of power and spirit of existing laws with the full cooperation of various Ontario governments that have allowed the criminals behind the 407 ETR to seize control of  law-abiding people through mean-spirited spurious business schemes in a bid to extort money, ruin credit ratings and break up families and careers.

This forum will feature fact-checkable, verifiable evidence only, and will contain no editorial opinion whatsoever. These are the stories behind the people, the highway and the sinister intrigue that is the 407 Express Toll Route.

By becoming informed about a very real, and quite probably criminally operated thoroughfare through Canada's largest metropolitan area, and electing to boycott the use of it, there may be hope for change. Be it governmental ownership, new highways,  and or new legislation. And ultimately, justice for all.

We can only hope that senior executives and politicians behind this mess will be prosecuted, fined and jailed. We intend to provide as many facts as are available to this end. 

These are the objectives of Boycott407.com and the following are its stories. Decide for yourself if you want to support an operation that is practicing morally dubious and quite questionable business practices that are detrimental to so many of your fellow Canadians. We think that in all good conscience, once you, your friends and family members have seen the evidence, you will avoid supporting this entity and the sick-minded greedy thugs behind it by staying off the 407 until a moniker of decency and reasonable policies are put in place by either the courts or the legislature of Ontario.

Here's an idea you may wish to employ should you be a victim of 407 ETR spurious and borderline billing practices;


...And don't forget to add 19.7% interest compounded every time they don't pay.

"I will never pay a bill that arrived over 12 years after the date of my last 'supposed' use of the 407 and is presumably comprised of mostly interest accumulated over that time. I only hope one day to be in court with this sad, sick company and their desperate legal council. Imagine the good they could be doing as a 'good corporate citizen' instead of a soulless conglomerate engaging is horrendous business practices that debase us all." - Another 407 ETR Consumer-Victim

The 407 ETR is not only in the highway business. They are in the collections business along with their collection agency partners. It's a major revenue stream predicated on outlandish business practices that flout the laws of Ontario and moral decency. I have invested fifteen hours dealing with their bogus invoices and abusive collections calls. My cost of administration is $100/hour. Their first bill was therefore $1,500.00. Below, is their second bill after a stern warning of the outcome should they persist in harassing me.  Interest sure does add up fast!

Links you should visit:
Continuing the Fight to Curb the 407 ETR’s Powers of Plate Denial

This Spells it out nicely: 

Sale of 407 ETR

Man faces $43,000 bill for driving on toll Hwy. 407

The 407 Hijack

Please Feel Free to Complain Re: MTO/407ETR Billing Practices