Tuesday, 23 May 2017

407 Spurious Business Practices Continue Unchecked.

I'm not sure where to start with this ridiculous tactic. I'm considering making this into one hell of an election issue. Hey politicians! Hey unscrupulous, dishonest, opportunistic, nasty international conglomerate decency-depraved 407 owners:

407 International Inc. is owned by Cintra Infraestructuras Internacional S.L.(43.23%) (a wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrovial S.A.), indirectly owned subsidiaries of Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (total 40%) and SNC-Lavalin (16.77%).
Here's the latest INDECENT PROPOSAL. DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS BULLSHIT. Unless you are going straight to the shareholders as I will do shortly. Decent Ontarians must unite over this criminal behaviour:


1 comment:

  1. I accidentally rode on the 407 ETR, getting off AT THE NEXT STOP - you know how much 3km cost me in the end?
    $1 for 3km
    $1 for "trip toll"
    $4 for camera charges
    $4 account fee

    $10.25 for 30 seconds of fun. All for a service that i already pay the government on my taxes. I propose my tax dollars go towards building a highway on top of the 407 etr so nobody has to use this piece of shit again.
